Integrative Percussion – Expanding Your Sound Palate
All Schnell percussion items link together for 1000’s of combinations!Combo sounds never before imagined
Completely new styles of playing multiple sounds from the same hand
Ideal for live performances
Ideal to speed up expensive studio time
Mix and match for your ‘perfect’ shaker sounds
Mix and match for the perfect jingle or castanet accents
Add a perfect ‘accent pop’ to any percussion
Step 1 – Pick a Base Unit

Step 2 – Choose your Add-On(s)
Add 1 or more items to either (or both) ends of your base unit
Keep adding and changing percussion until you find the perfect blend
The possibilities are almost endless
Combine percussion that have never been mixed before in the same hand
Some of the combinations will require entirely new techniques and playing styles

GrenEgg Shakers
Egg shakers were a cute idea but fell short on flexibility and diversity. GrenEggs turn egg shakers on their heads. Now you can have an egg shaker that can convert to every class of shaker in an instant. Switch from a palm-mutable egg shaker, to a tube shaker, to a barbell, to maracas, and on and on.
Set of 2 GrenEggs (includes 2 lock bands and 1 lock pin)
Regular = large shot, louder crisper version
(buy it now on Amazon)
Fine = fine shot for a softer, smoother sound more like normal egg shakers
(note the Fine shot may not be loud enough for the Hand Activator, or the Holster)
(buy it now on Amazon)
2 Greneggs pressed into each other as a tube shaker
Dynamite Dual Adapter
The Dynamite adapts 2 GrenEggs into a balanced tube shaker
However, unlike a standard tube shaker, with 2 separate shakers, you have the side-to-side shaking action of a barbell
You can also just press a GrenEgg into the back of the other for a similar effect but without the same side-to-side balanced appearance
2 ways to lock the GrenEggs onto the adapter:
– Lock bands quickly hook the next of the GrenEggs to the adapter
– Lock pins provide a more confident locking method
2 Items available:
Adapter Kit: Adapter + 2 lock pins
Complete Kit: 2 GrenEggs (regular shot) + adapter + 2 lock pins and 2 lock bands
Link: (buy it now on Amazon)
Double Barrel
Double Barrel Barbell Adapter
The Double Barrel adapts 4 GrenEggs into a balanced Barbell shaker
Front-to-Back shaking action matches the volume and intensity of any tube shaker
Plus the added bonus of side-to-side shaking action found in a good barbell shaker
2 ways to lock the GrenEggs onto the adapter:
– Lock bands quickly hook the next of the GrenEggs to the adapter
– Lock pins provide a more confident locking method
2 Items available:
Adapter Kit: Adapter + 4 lock pins
Complete Kit: 4 GrenEggs (regular shot) + adapter + 4 lock pins + 4 lock bands
Link: (buy it now on Amazon)
Sparkler Fiber Rod Shaker
Ultra-sensitive fiber rod shaker
Fiber rods run through the lock squares which lock onto a GrenEgg on each side
The squares can be moved closer to the center for less spring response, or to the far end for maximum spring
Can be shaken front-to-back or twisted side-to-side for a responsive and theatric performance
Adapts to a Hi Hat Rod for foot powered response
Adapts to foot pedals such as Hansen Futz for dual action or single action
Items available:
Adapter Kit: 4 fiber rods, 2 lock squares, 1 center tubing, 2 lock pins, Hi Hat adapter, 2 J-bolts and wing nuts
Complete Kit: 2 GrenEgg (regular shot) + Adapter Kit
Link: (buy it now on Amazon)
Pop Rocks
Pop Rocks Hand Activator
Convert the GrenEgg into a hand-activated shaker
Mounts to standard rods, the side of cymbal stands, cajons, guitars, and congas
Dare we say the first time anyone has added a shaker to the top of a conga?
Add one wherever you don’t have a free hand for a shaker but need an accent beat
2 Items available:
Adapter Kit: base, rocker arm, 2 J-Bolts and wing nuts, Cymbal clamp,
Complete Kit: GrenEgg (regular shot) + Adapter Kit
Cajon/guitar Adapter: adapter and foam double adhesive
Conga adapter: adapter and foam double adhesive
Link: (buy it now on Amazon)
Attach your GrenEgg to your heel, top of your foot, wrist, or back of your palm
Stick Grenade Handle (Maraca action)
GrenEgg Kit – Package Deal
Photos: Holster with GrenEgg on Heel above tennis shoe
Holster with GrenEgg on top of foot
Holster with GrenEgg on wrist (playing guitar)
Holster with GrenEgg on wrist (rolling cymbal with mallets)
Holster with GrenEgg on back of palm (hand laying on conga)
Copy: Convert the GrenEgg into a hands-free shaker in all sorts of ways
Mounts to:
Your heel – for heel tappers
Your foot – for foot tappers
Your wrist – for hand shakers
Your Palm – for percussionist and guitarists
2 Items available:
Holster sold by itself
Link: (buy it now on Amazon)
GrenEgg Shakers
Egg shakers were a cute idea but fell short on flexibility and diversity...
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Dynamite Dual Adapter
The Dynamite adapts 2 GrenEggs into a balanced tube shaker
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Double Barrel
Double Barrel Barbell Adapter
The Double Barrel adapts 4 GrenEggs into a balanced Barbel...
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Sparkler Fiber Rod Shaker
Ultra-sensitive fiber rod shaker
Fiber rods run t...
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Pop Rocks
Pop Rocks Hand Activator
Convert the GrenEgg into a hand-activated shaker
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Attach your GrenEgg to your heel, top of your foot, wrist, or back of your palm...
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